The Art of Strategy is about the knowledge and skills to end conflict and create harmony in your life and in the lives of others. These are the true leadership skills: to create win-win situations from each conflict, never to waste the resources of you or your opponent, to share so that both may benefit and rise up together.
The Art of Strategy is not about "winning" a confrontation. It is about the skills that allow one to overcome nonnegotiable conflicts. If the conflict has been allowed to reach the stage of confrontation, the leader has not done his job well or skilfully. The power and respect that is acquired through conquest or destruction of an opponent is a false perception of leadership. It is not a life-affirming act that creates harmony. The 1987 movie Wall Street at once villified AND glorified the idea of leadership as conquest without regard for others.
This blog is about a different way. I invite you to a dialogue that will challenge and enlighten you to become a leader in your own life, creating harmony and growth among everyone you contact. The Art of Strategy Leadership Skills are applied to four encompassing types of nonnegotiable conflict:
-Conflict with Yourself
-Conflict With the Environment
-Conflict with Others (individuals)
-Conflict Between Leaders/Organizations
Each of the Leadership Skills discussions will center on the application of these ideas to these four types of conflict. In this way we can learn to change bad habits (conflict with self), repair a marriage or poor relations with a child (conflict with others), constructively change a workplace or life-place that is damaging to growth (conflict with environment), and provide enlightened, inspiring leadership to an organization through collaboration and development (conflict between leaders/organizations).
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